A New Year Begins

The ending of one day at Mission Arlington, leads to the start of new one. So, we turn the corner into a brand-new year.
As one day leads to the next, so we have “turned the corner” into a New Year. As we look to the future, we want to express our gratitude to each of you for your support through every day of 2024. None of us know what lies ahead, of course, but we take great comfort in knowing that we will be making the journey with you. We are excited about 2025.
Here are some of the things we accomplished together last year:
- Camps – 932 students attended 1 of 6 free summer camps.
- Congregations & Bible studies – 360 locations, averaging 3,800 per week.
- Christmas – 8,080 families (34,307 people) received Christmas help. 4,000 children received bikes. 324 adults accepted Christ, and 791 rededicated their life to the Lord.
- Dental Clinic – 34 dentists treated 1,310 patients 3,310 times.
- Emergency Assistance – an average of 686 people/day. People received food, clothes, household items, furniture, and emergency financial assistance.
- # of Families Helped – 54,840 families were helped. This is an average of 191 families/day.
- # of People helped – 199,367 people – received support. Open six days a week, 686 people a day, received the help you provided.
- Medical Clinic – Our volunteer medical teams (10 medical specialties) treated 3,793 people 10,552 times.
- Rainbow Express® – 22,201 children & youth attended Rainbow Express® in 334 locations across our community.
- Thanksgiving – 7,124 families (29,495 people) received a Thanksgiving meal, delivered by more than 5,000 volunteers from 49 cities across Texas. More people received Thanksgiving help than ever before.
A New Year Begins
December 31st had been full & fun, because so many of you dropped by, not just with donations, but with encouragement: “Thank you for all you do!” and “Happy New Year!” were common refrains.
Towards the end of the day, about 7:00 p.m., Mission Arlington® staff, Bible study leaders and volunteers gathered to pray. There wasn’t a planned program, nor any prepared music. Each of us found a spot in our gathering place, and we prayed. Even though these were silent prayers, it’s easy to know what the substance of those prayers were: 1) We thanked the Lord for the year behind us. 2) We asked for God to lead us in and through the new year, and 3) we thanked Him for you. Proverbs 3:5-6 asks believers to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” That is our hope and our heart for the new year.
On the Wings of Prayer
Our Director, Tillie Burgin, reminds us constantly that “Mission Arlington® moves on the prayers of the people.” Would you join us? Would you keep us in your prayers through 2025? As we have said from the beginning, this ministry doesn’t belong to us, but to God. We are simple stewards of His trust, and yours, as we serve Him together. We are so grateful for your constant support. Come join us, won’t you?